On a recent family vacation, my favorite part of a quick stopover in Nassau, the Bahamas was reveling in this lovely shade of pink. It adorns the parliament buildings near the main tourist drag. Having lived in London for almost 6 months, I feel especially excited to see so much color.
I feel in my element when the skies are blue and there’s lots of color around me, and this color was the perfect backdrop for a fun afternoon with my mom & dad & brother. When I stopped to ask the guys who were painting the buildings, they told me that it’s a specific color just for the Bahamian government buildings. It’s reminiscent of the inside color of a conch shell. I’ll take it. Can the White House get a makeover, too?
This Parliament Pink seems to seep into the everyday surroundings, too. This pink beach chair looks mighty fine next to the clear blue waters at Castaway Cay.
XO, M.E.