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Say My Age

Say My Age

What’s with us not wanting to say our age? I notice this especially at my age. And usually with women. Friends on facebook have birthdays, but their age isn’t there. It’s hidden. Come on, really? You’re not fooling anyone. Just making it MORE obvious that this societal shaming of anyone of a certain age is on your mind. Are we afraid of the repercussions of announcing our age? What repercussions you ask? Ooooh, - Plenty. Not getting hired, being seen as irrelevant, not on trend, too expensive, too slow, too much. I worked in fashion for years. I remember moving to Los Angeles in my late 30’s. Getting certain jobs was way out of the question – I was no longer the young hot sales rep. But I was really good. I had been working in fashion and sales since high school.  It didn’t matter.